EPISODE 37: How Beauty Kumesine’s Advocacy for Autism is Making a Difference in Nigeria

April 02, 2021 Bralade / Beauty Kumesine Season 2 Episode 37
EPISODE 37: How Beauty Kumesine’s Advocacy for Autism is Making a Difference in Nigeria
Show Notes

April is Autism Awareness month. ASD is a disorder that impacts children and the families that love them. I have experienced this firsthand in an experience I share in this episode. On this special for Autism Awareness day, I interview a hero on the frontlines of this advocacy, who has dedicated the last decade and her life to this cause.

Beauty Kumesine is a passionate public speaker and advocate who speaks from her heart and to the hearts of her community for the identification and rehabilitation of children with Special Needs, ASD and other related developmental disorders within the Nigerian society.

On this episode, she shares how she started on this journey which she describes as “purpose” even though she had no personal or family experience with autism. She talks about the levels of stigma in society and the community. Her bravery in the work she does and the lack of mental healthcare and therapy in Nigeria.

But most of all, the success they keep tracking, however small, is the fuel that helps this work continue. You will be educated and enlightened about autism spectrum disorder and the precious children who live with it.
Key highlights of the episode are:
How she went from IT to behavioral therapy 4:55
The story of the first autistic child she worked with 12:32
The top 3 things society can do to help autistic children. 20:44
How the Port Harcourt Autism Walk started and its impact. 30:58
The cost of therapy and advocacy 38:43
How to find and live your purpose, with her insightful practices. 41:43
Beauty Kumesine is the founder of Blazing Heart Autism Center for 12 years, where she has impacted over 500 children. She consults for hospitals and schools on special needs and how to handle special needs cases. She has received several certifications and recognitions locally and internationally with recent awards by Leading Ladies Africa as one of Nigeria’s 100 most Inspiring Women and 50 most Inspiring Women by under the Business Day Women’s hub Publications. Beauty is a fellow and an alum of LEAP Africa.

Connect with her and help sponsor this great work on:
Facebook: Bea Uty Kumesine
Instagram: IambeautyK
Twitter: Beauty Kumesine
LinkedIn: Beauty Kumesine

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